e–j dev

Max 8 is out!
Max 8 has been released last week, and it’s probably the largest upgrade since Max 3, or 4, or 5 or I…

ejies and zsa.descriptors are available through the Package Manager
Last week, Cycling ’74 released Max 7.1 which features numerous exciting addition. One of my favorite is the Package Manager, it lets…
New ejies for Max 6/7…
It has been a while, hasn’t it? We have been working mainly on postponing the release of our secret app ;-) Nevertheless,…
In case you want to jump into Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite)… First keep in mind it’s a beta version (I’d not use…

Composit 2014
If you didn’t apply yet, there’s stil some place for the Composit New Music Festival 2014 which will take place July 1-13…

So MacOS 10.9 has been out for a whole week, is it safe to update? Max is not 100 % ready at…
GenExpr for SublimeText
If you are a SublimeText user, and a Gen fan, you might be interested by GenExpr for SublimeText. You can install it…
ejies 3.13
Alexis Baskind sent me some modification of ej.function.js to respond to the outputmode attribute like function does, this now integrated in ejies…

ejies 3.12
I just realized that ejies had a ej.l2buffer for years, but not the inverse. With the release of Mira I decided to…
ejies 3.11
Not a very big announcement here, a very minor update of ejies which fixes a problem with prototypes. They are not in…